
48th C3 Conference,

Virtual Conference

When: Thursday, May 26 and Friday, May 27
Times: 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. PDT (1:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. ADT) 
Delivery mode: Synchronous online, via Zoom

The 48th annual College Chemistry Canada (C3) conference will be a virtual conference again, with 5- and 10-minute oral presentations as well as opportunity for discussion and community engagement. We enjoyed this opportunity to get together last year, and we look forward to catching up. Please forward to other interested parties.

The 2022 Conference theme:

“Canadian Chemistry Continues....building resilience and relationships”

We are looking for (i) Furious Five minute or (ii) 10-minute presentations (either synchronously or as a pre-recorded video) on how you can move forward with endurance and stamina in an ever changing teaching environment, and how you can enrich the connection between you and your students to ensure engagement and success.

Registration Fee: Free! Click here to proceed to Online Registration; Enregistrement en ligne

Please consider renewing your membership! The $20 annual dues maybe sent via e-transfer to:


48th C3 Program of Abstracts


48th C3 Conference Program


Your 2022 Conference Organizers:

Jimmy Lowe Carl Doige, Chuck Lucy, François Gauvin, Kathy Darvesh, Yann Brouillette,




Online Registration

Online registration: OPEN.

Enregistrement en ligne

Enregistrement en ligne: OUVERT.

Conference Program

The Conference Program is now available!

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission for the 2022 conference is now closed.

Soumission des résumés en ligne

Soumission des résumés en ligne fermé.

Annual Membership Dues

Please consider renewing your annual $20 membership dues via e-transfer to:


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