In addition to the annual conference, C3 gives a number of awards to students and teachers of chemistry.
- THE C3 AWARD IN CHEMISTRY EDUCATIONThe Award shall be offered annually to honour a person who has made substantial contributions to chemical education at the College level. In selecting the recipient of the Award, the committee shall consider primarily the contributions of the nominee to enhancing the quality of teaching in an area of chemistry, biochemistry, or chemical technology. Meritorious contributions to furthering chemical education through C3 is also to receive consideration.The Award shall be presented at the annual College Chemistry Canada Inc.(C3) Conference with the appropriate ceremony and publicity. The… Read more: THE C3 AWARD IN CHEMISTRY EDUCATION
- C3 HOST COLLEGE STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPThe C3 Host Student Scholarship is designed to help a student pursue studies at a Canadian College in science, and to raise the profile of College Chemistry Canada. To reflect the diversity of programs and objectives of colleges in Canada, the criteria for awarding this will be left to the college which hosts the annual C3 conference (when the conference is located in Canada). For example, the scholarship could be awarded to a high school student entering a college, or to a first year student going… Read more: C3 HOST COLLEGE STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP
- C3 GENERAL STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPThe C3 General Student Scholarship is designed to help a student pursue studies at a Canadian College or University (or other post-secondary educational institution) in science, and to raise the profile of College Chemistry Canada. The award shall consist of an appropriate certificate and $1000. The scholarship should be presented in a way that promotes College Chemistry Canada. If geographically possible, a C3 executive or board member should make the presentation, otherwise, a C3 member in good standing may present the award. Up to TWO awards… Read more: C3 GENERAL STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP
- The C3 EDITOR’S AWARD(S)These will be awarded by the Editor, for articles submitted to the newsletter in the past year. They could be for any category selected by the editor, eg. most humorous article, most scholarly article, shortest article etc. $50 maximum for each award and a certificate.
- OTHER AWARDSThe CHEMMYS (AS IN “THE EMMYS”)These awards (there could be one, or more) will be awarded at the discretion of the President. They will be awarded for various “achievements” from the previous year’s conference. They could be serious, but probably won’t be. At the conference in Toronto, this prize was awarded to Barrie Benton. In honour of him being the only member to have participated in every excursion and event, Barrie was presented with an array of energy drinks! Unbelievably, this was Barrie’s first Chemmy! THE… Read more: OTHER AWARDS
- List of Past Recipients – C3 General Student ScholarshipList of C3 General Student Scholarship Past recipients
- List of Past Recipients – C3 Host College Student ScholarshipList of Past Recipients – C3 Host College Student Scholarship
Student Awards Past Recipients